Adult Volunteer Conference

Saturday 14th of October 2023 saw the No Name Club extended family descend upon Kilbride Community Centre for our annual Volunteer Conference. There was representation from ten individual clubs that travelled from far and wide for the conference.

The day started with some lovely chats over tea and biscuits before the programme of events began. No Name Club Chairperson of the Board Garrett Keenaghan was on hand to deliver a rousing greeting to all attendees. Garretts welcome address was one of encouragement and optimism for the club year ahead that served to inspire those of us present. He spoke about the importance of engagement with Club Support and Communications officers and reiterated that assistance is always available. Leading us into the rest of the day's offerings, Garrett motivated volunteers to dive in, share thoughts and open discussion on the important topics relevant to Youth work and No Name Club. 

We then ran a number of Information Sessions starting with Siobhán and Fionnán from our Youth Council who gave a detailed presentation of the new Club of the year Competition. Operations Manager John gave information about some new changes to our Club Affiliation forms. He also discussed the importance of completion of Ethos and Values Training and our Alcohol Awareness Training programme for all new club members. Child Protection Officer Con answered questions on club training and Finance Officer Ann filled us in on available transport and health grants. Communications Officer Natalia presented on No Name Club’s Communications strategy as a whole and how integral our volunteers are to the smooth running of it.


The most comprehensive part of the day came straight after a delicious lunch. Five specific areas relating to No Name Club activity were identified to be discussed this year; Volunteering, Events, Club Activities, Training and the Youth Council. Each topic was discussed with each group and lots of wonderful discourse resulted. Thanks to everyone for your generous input!