Kilkenny goes to Lilliput Adventure Centre

Kilkenny No Name Club – Lilliput Weekend 21st & 22nd October 2023

This past weekend, Kilkenny No Name Club took their now annual bonding trip to Lilliput Adventure Centre in Mullingar Co. Westmeath. Over 50 members took on challenges such as Orienteering, Capture the flag (KK style), Sniper, Kayaking, Bog Hopping and Abseiling. The evening time saw the groups creative side flourish as personalized badge making, sing songs and various dance routines kept all entertained. Empowering our young people to express their unique personalities is very important to us and this is testament to how comfortable they felt amongst the group.

The days earlier activity of trudging through the river and bog worked up a ferocious appetite so pizza and s’mores proved a very popular treat. The night wore on and the dance moves got more and more competitive. Overall a fantastic weekend was had by all despite the lack of sleep. All the while, our young people were developing crucial skills such as team work, communication skills and problem solving skills. The whole weekend was further supporting the Ethos and Values of No Name Club while providing teenagers with fun social activities and opportunities in an environment free from alcohol and other drugs.